Our best selling at the moment handbags are our new winter weave two in one handbags in various colours, they are stunning handbags.
Right on trend, for the women that likes to carry a lot of things. Great travel handbag as well as a every day handbag.
Our ladies are loving these handbags, saying they are great value for money as it’s two handbag for the price of one.
Who doesn’t like a bargin!!!!!!
The colours are amazing starting with:
The Black we all love a black handbag a must for all us ladies.
The grey this seems to be the new black and goes with everything.
The brown is just a lovely shade of brown and just look’s a beautiful winter handbag.
For me it has to be the green, a fantastic shade of green and can be used for all the seasons.
Last but a favourite with you ladies is The Tan just stunning and who doesn’t need a tan handbag in their wardrope.
So dont miss out as these handbags are selling fast. A fantastic christmas presnt for the lady that has everything but not the latest on trend Weave 2 in one handbag.
Have a look at our lovely customers on Sunday with all their shopping, and yes ladies they all bought a weave back in various colours.